How to Cleanse

How to Cleanse

While there are almost as many different types of cleanses as there are cleansers, the principle of cleansing by fasting is quite simple--you just don't eat food for some period of time. People have been fasting throughout all of recorded history, for a variety of reasons ranging from health improvement to spiritual practice. Fasting is not particularly common in modern culture, but its cleansing benefits are being rediscovered by some.


Make sure that you are medically able to undertake a fast. Most people in reasonable health are able to fast for at least a week without any harmful effects, but this may not be appropriate for people with serious health conditions. Fasting is also not recommended while pregnant or nursing, or while doing strenuous physical tasks. If you are unsure about your ability to fast safely, consult your doctor before beginning.


Choose the type of fast you will undertake. It is important to stay hydrated while fasting, so all long fasts include plenty of water. For some types of fast, this is the only thing you will consume. Other fasts also allow beverages such as fruit and vegetable juices and caffeine-free herbal teas. These fasts are slower at producing changes in the body, and usually easier. Besides picking what you will eat or drink, decide how long you plan to fast. Usually between four days and a week is sufficient for a first attempt at fasting.


Prepare for your fast by setting up a relaxing situation. While it is possible to fast while working at most jobs, it's also a great time to reduce your workload and commitments if possible. You might also want to plan for relaxing activities like meditation, having a massage, spending time in nature, and doing plenty of interesting low-energy activities that will keep your mind off of eating. Also go shopping for beverages if you plan to drink anything that you don't normally have on hand, so you won't have to be in a grocery store later.


Quit eating and start fasting. Usually the first day or so is the hardest. If you feel hungry, drink more water or juice to fill your stomach. If you feel bored, try to distract yourself with interesting activities. Think about what you hope to achieve by fasting.


Begin eating again gradually when you're done fasting. If you have been drinking only water, start with some fruit juice. Next, have some mild fruit like melon (avoid citrus and bananas at first). When you feel ready, move on to lightly dressed vegetable salads, then cooked vegetables and grains and then finally animal products (an exception to this rule is that having some yogurt during the adjustment period can help improve digestion by providing beneficial intestinal bacteria). Overall, this process should take at least a few days.

Tips & Warnings

Planning a fast with one or more other people can really help keep you motivated by providing moral support.

If you don't feel up to a long fast but are interested in the concept, consider a one day (or even one meal) fast, or a simple, low-calorie cleansing diet for a period of time.

The ending period of a fast is a great time to investigate allergies. If you add foods slowly, one at a time, you may notice a reaction when you add a food that you are sensitive to.

Fasting can be beneficial, but it is not a lifestyle. In order to be healthy, people must eat a significant amount of calories most of the time, even if they are trying to lose weight. Please fast in moderation and if you're not sure how to do this, consult a doctor.

If you have any serious health concerns, don't fast without consulting a doctor.

While it's normal to have some discomfort while fasting, if you experience any dramatic side effects that don't go away fairly quickly, stop the fast (gradually, as described above) and consult a doctor if you continue to experience problems.

How to Cleanse the Body With Wheatgrass

How to Cleanse the Body With Wheatgrass

Each day you expose yourself to a number of environmental toxins. You breathe, touch and eat these toxins that eventually lead to premature aging, disease and more. Wheatgrass offers a natural and easy solution, as it is one of the most powerful natural cleansers known to man. The rich amino-acids, enzymes, chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals work like detergents to cleanse the body, inside and out.


Drink 2 to 3 oz. of wheatgrass each day, preferably first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Wheatgrass provides the body with a number of essential micronutrients and helps to eliminate heavy metals and other toxins from the bloodstream. You should feel a boost in energy almost immediately and a vast improvement on body function, skin, hair and more within a few weeks.


Pour 2 cups of pure wheatgrass juice into a warm bath and soak for 15 or 20 minutes. The juice helps to relieve skin irritation, draw toxins from the skin, prevent outbreaks of eczema and prevent infection of minor cuts and burns.


Soak a cotton bandage in wheatgrass juice and use to cover wounds. The wheatgrass not only helps to prevent infection of the wound, it helps to speed healing and reduce the chance of scarring.


Dab a drop of wheatgrass on pimples before bed and rinse in the morning with warm water to help heal a pimple. For those with problem acne, mix 1 part wheatgrass juice with 3 parts water and use as a facial rinse twice daily.


Chew on wheatgrass blades to help disinfect teeth, gums and sore throat.


Use wheatgrass juice for a healing and detoxifying colon cleanse. Start with a simple warm water enema and then flush. Finish with a wheatgrass enema, placing 4 oz. of fresh, room temperature wheatgrass in the enema bag. Retain for at least 20 minutes.

How to Cleanse the Body With Alfalfa

How to Cleanse the Body With Alfalfa

Alfalfa is not only a sprout for salads and a feed for farm animals, it is also a powerful natural medicine. A natural diuretic, alfalfa has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which help to soothe the intestinal tract during a cleanse.

Things You'll Need:

Pure alfalfa powder

Fruit juices

Clean water


Mix 1 tsp. of pure alfalfa powder to your favorite fruit juice each morning upon awakening. To get the greatest benefits of your body cleanse, make sure that you drink the alfalfa and juice on an empty stomach and wait at least 30 minutes before eating.


Drink two glasses of clean water for every 50 lbs. of body weight, spreading it out evenly through the day. Make sure that you filter your tap water and leave it in an open container for about 24 hours to remove all traces of chlorine.


Get at least 30 minutes of exercise each day during your cleanse to help flush toxins from your body. Not only does exercise improve digestion and absorption, it will work hand in hand with alfalfa. As you burn fat and release toxins and heavy metals into the blood stream, they will be trapped by alfalfa and eliminated from the body. Choose any form of exercise you are comfortable with, from gentle walking to high impact aerobics, depending on your fitness level.


Continue the alfalfa body cleanse for 2 full weeks to help reduce the pain of arthritis, improve digestive disorders and detox the entire body.

How to Cleanse a Crystal

How to Cleanse a Crystal

Once you purchase a crystal it's important to cleanse it before using it. This removes any energy it gathered before being purchased and, in order to make it "yours," you must cleanse and re-charge it with your energy. Read on to learn more.

Things You'll Need:






Place the crystal in a bowl of salt water for 24 hours. Add just enough salt so there's not a pile of it on the bottom of the bowl.


Dump the salt water and place the crystal back into the bowl. Place the bowl in a spot in your house where it can sit in the sunlight. Let it sit there for another 24 hours (this re-charges the crystal).


After re-charging it, place the crystal in your hands and let your energy flow into it. You can do this by cupping the crystal in both of your hands, closing your eyes and 'imagining' your energy flowing from your hands to the crystal.

Tips & Warnings

To house your crystal, place it in a bag made of natural fibers (i.e., leather).

If you want to use your crystal for something other than what you were originally using it for, cleanse and re-charge it first.

Never let anyone else touch your crystal! If this happens, cleanse your crystal and re-charge it with your energy.

How to Clean Infected Wounds

How to Clean Infected Wounds

Many of us get hurt from time to time by falling down and scraping our hands and or knees, especially
. There are many things that can happen that will cause us to get hurt. In this article you will learn how to clean infected wounds using more natural resources.

Things You'll Need:

Papaya juice

Mallow root

Mallow leaves


Comfrey leaves

Garlic cloves





Wash the infected wounds with papaya juice and allow it to dry on the wounds. Papaya is beneficial to infected wounds.


Take a handful of mallow leaves and mallow roots and put it in a quart of water. Strain it and use it as a wash for wounds that are infected as well as inflamed. Be sure to wash the wound twice a day and put on a fresh bandage every time.


Put a few cloves of garlic and a few comfrey leaves into a blender. Add just a little honey to the garlic cloves and comfrey leaves. Blend well. Take the mixture and spread it on a slice of bread, placing it on the infected wound. Bandage it and repeat this process a few times a day. Make sure to clean the wound every time before applying a fresh piece of bread with the mixture spread onto it.

Tips & Warnings

Do not use any of the suggestions within this article if you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed.