How to Give a Coffee Enema

How to Give a Coffee Enema

The controversial practice of colonics and enemas arguably aid in detoxification of the body and improve overall health. Stimulant chemicals in a coffee enema relax smooth muscles and help the body evacuate toxins, leading to better overall health. Many medical doctors warn against practices of this nature, while holistic and alternative medicine professionals have suggested them for years. Read on if you would like to know how to give a coffee enema.

Things You'll Need:

An enema bag

Stainless steel cooking pot

Organic, fully caffeinated coffee

Distilled water

Enema Preparation


Boil 1 quart of distilled water in a cooking pot.


Put 2 tbsp. of coffee into the water, and boil another five minutes.


Turn off the burner and let the coffee cool. The coffee should be around the temperature you would use for a baby's bottle before continuing. Try to let it achieve a comfortable body temperature.


Pour the coffee into the enema bag making sure no grounds end up in the bag. Allow the coffee to also fill the catheter tubing by loosening the clamp until all air has left the tubing.


Hang the enema bag about two feet off the floor. You want it only high enough to flow gently from the bag.

Enema Procedure


Lay down on the floor on your back or right side. Insert the catheter into your rectum a few inches.


Release the catheter clamp and allow half of the coffee to enter your rectum. Close the clamp sooner if you feel discomfort or fullness.


Hold the enema in for as long as you can, with a goal of 12 to 15 minutes. Remove the catheter and empty your bowels when the urge hits. You can empty your bowels sooner than the 12 to 15 minute goal if you feel the urge. Repeat this step with the remaining coffee, using no more than 2 cups at a time.


Rinse out or throw away the enema bag when you are done. Clean the bag with boiling water or peroxide if you plan to use it again.

Tips & Warnings

If necessary, use a non-petroleum lubricant to ease insertion of the catheter into the rectum.

Lying on an old towel keeps you from dirtying furniture or carpet that would be more difficult to clean.

Do not use this information as an alternative to consulting a medical professional. It is meant for informational purposes only.

Stop the process immediately and consult your doctor if you experience any adverse reactions.

Coffee enemas are not recommended for pregnant women or people with a caffeine addiction.

Perform a coffee enema no more than once a week.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Professional Massage.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Professional Massage.

Whether you've never had a massage from a professional therapist, or you're a regular consumer, you'll find here some helpful tips on getting the most out of your session.

Things You'll Need:

your communication skills and your honesty


The first thing to understand about massage is that it is a holistic health modality. Even if you're just getting a "relaxation" massage or a "fluff and buff" as it's called in the industry, your session can have health consequences that can affect your entire body. With this in mind, one should always be VERY HONEST about how one fills out the client intake form that the spa or establishment requires of you. There are specific reasons why these questions are asked. You may have a health condition that is contraindicated for massage.


This means if you have any infection or even a mild cold, note it! Massage is a vasodilator, which means that it increases blood flow in your body. Which means if you have an infection, or are sick with a cold, the illness could be spread throughout your body. Too, you risk infecting not only your therapist when you come to your appointment with a contagious illness, but also anyone else he/she might work on for the rest of the day. If you're ill or have an infection, reschedule your appointment when the health issue has passed.


So now you're on the table drifting off to the sounds of meditation music, when suddenly it feels like your therapist is driving a jackhammer into your back. Should you just lie there and take it, or should you say something? SAY something! A massage is only as good as the trust and communication between client and therapist. Your therapist should be asking you how different pressure feels to you during the course of your session. You should be answering him/her honestly. If you want deeper pressure, say so. Too hard? Say so. Don't just answer fine when asked if everything is ok. Because if you don't tell the therapist your likes or dislikes, what hurts, what doesn't, then they're never going to know any different. And you're not going to get the most our of your massage.


If you feel you have properly communicated your wishes to your therapist and they do not comply, it is perfectly ok to ask him/her to stop. It's nothing personal, it's simply a mismatch. Talk to the manager and let them know that you would like to reschedule your appointment with a different therapist. If you have stopped a session before your time was fully up, request that the rescheduled appointment be either free of charge, or at a reduced cost. Let the manager know why you are changing therapists.


Remember, the best way to enjoy your massage session and reap it's many benefits is to communicate as openly as possible.

Tips & Warnings

Unsure where to start looking for a therapist? Ask your friends for referrals. But remember that, just because your best friend thinks the world of this therapist, doesn't mean they'll be a good match for you. Massage is highly personal. The best client/therapist relationships are based on trust and great communication.

How to Get Certified in Rolfing

How to Get Certified in Rolfing

Rolfing is a non-invasive form of body work that helps people create more balance in their movements. More than 1 million people have received rolfing work from one of the 1,360 certified Rolfers throughout the United States and 26 countries. To get certified in rolfing, follow these steps.


Understand that the Rolf Institute is the only rolfing certifying body. While other organizations may offer "Structural Integration" courses, only Rolf graduates will be permitted to refer to themselves as Certified Rolfers or Rolf Movement Practitioners. There are no online programs of study or certification; this is a hands-on discipline. Rolfing students can expect the basic certification program to last 18 months to 2 years.


Have at least a basic knowledge of anatomy and kinesiology and an understanding of the value of therapeutic touch before starting Rolf training. You'll be required to provide transcripts of prior education and an essay detailing your desire and ability to complete the course.


Start with a six-week intensive course called "Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration," also known as "Unit I," if you have no prior bodywork experience or training. There is a separate Unit 1 option of 87 hours advanced training for those with some experience in body work.


Complete either version of Unit I. Accumulate 50 hours of "Skillful Touch Massage" practice on clients and get a passing grade on the Rolfing Institute of Structural Integration (RISI) Life Sciences Exam. You also must experience 10 sessions of Rolfing work and 5 Rolf Movement Integration sessions from a certified Rolfing practitioner. Students may not enroll in Unit II until at least 3 months after completing Unit I. Their bodies need a chance to integrate after their own rolfing sessions.


Continue to Unit II, which entails 8 weeks of extensive training called "Embodiment of Rolfing and Rolf Movement Integration."


Pursue Unit III, another 8-week period of training, called "Clinical Applications of Rolfing Theory." During this training, students work on clients while under the supervision of instructors. Training includes general skills necessary for the student to develop their own Rolfing practice. Once this unit is completed, students graduate as Certified Rolfers.


Tie it all up after the basic certification program with an additional 144 hours of training called "Rolf Movement Integration Certification."
Once a graduate has 3 years experience in Rolfing practice, he may enroll in the 168-hour training called, "Advanced Rolfing Training Certification." Throughout the practitioner's career, there will be continuing education requirements to maintain association with the Rolfing Institute.

Tips & Warnings

A directory of Certified Rolfers can be found at the Rolf Institute website. Practitioners not certified by the Rolfing Institute use the term, "Structural Integration" to refer to their work.

How to Get a Swedish Massage

How to Get a Swedish Massage

You've decided to get a Swedish massage, but aren't sure how to find a licensed massage therapist who can do the best job for the money. Just follow the steps below to find out where and how to get a Swedish massage.


Decide which type of Swedish massage therapy that you want. If you're new to massage therapy, seek out a lighter form. If you're an athlete, a
massage will enhance your performance. If time is a factor, a short chair massage may be just what you're looking for.


Use the Internet or your local phone directory to locate Swedish Massage therapists. Call or investigate several. Ask questions about the type of massage given, the cost, the qualifications of the masseuse and any medical problems you may have.


Be aware that most massage therapists doing private sessions ask that you disrobe for your massage. However, you will be fully covered by a sheet at all times, with only the part of your body receiving the massage exposed. If you aren't comfortable with this, tell the massage therapist and ask for options before your appointment.


Schedule an appointment. Arrive a few minutes early to complete paperwork and prepare for your massage.


Enjoy the luxury of the massage.

Tips & Warnings

Frequently, a masseuse provides conversation to relax you. If you want a massage without conversation, mention to the Swedish massage therapist that you would prefer no conversation during the session.

How to Get a Rolfing Massage

How to Get a Rolfing Massage

If you feel achy after a long day cramped in the same position or a period of stress, it may be time to get a massage. A Rolfing massage is especially effective for pains created by physical trauma or habitual ways of holding your body.


Find a competent, certified Rolfing Massage Therapist who makes you feel comfortable (see "How to Choose a Rolfing Practitioner" under Related eHows).


Check the price of the therapists in your area. Some areas charge over $100 per hour per session for Rolfing. This isn't that high when you consider the the cost of their training and the specialized service you're receiving.


Expect about 10 sessions. Decide after your first treatment whether you feel that Rolfing was of benefit to you. That will help you plan for additional treatments in your budget.


Practice diligently the exercises the Rolfing Therapist gives you. Part of the program is retraining the body with these exercises. You must be willing to do your part to start to feel better.


Prepare to feel whole again as the Rolfer not only works to liberate muscles that are bound improperly, but also realign your body so it works with the gravitational pull of the Earth, instead of against it.

How to Pick a Ruby

How to Pick a Ruby

Are you thinking of buying ruby jewelry or loose gems? Here are some practical ways to select the best ruby for your money.


Figure out what you can afford to spend on a ruby. Next, decide whether you want a clear stone, or if you can live with a gem with obvious inclusions and flaws. If you need a clear gem, but have a limited budget, consider getting a man-made ruby. Transparent rubies are very rare, and more costly than diamonds.


Decide what size ruby you want. A larger stone will have more inclusions and lower transparency than a smaller stone in the same price range. Next, decide what shape ruby you want--there are 7 basic shapes, and cabochon cut for star-rubies.


Begin looking for rubies on Internet gem dealer sites (see Resources below). This is the easiest way to become familiar with the range of rubies available. You can narrow your search by using the price range, clarity, shape and size you have chosen. Color is another determining factor in the price, and will be higher for deeper red shades. Most rubies are heat-treated to intensify their color and reduce the appearance of inclusions, which is an accepted practice.


Use the quality of the cut as your final variable. Eliminate rubies with irregularly facets, poor polish and low symmetry. Your final group will have slight variations in color and size, and somewhat more variation in clarity. Now choose the ruby from your final group that appeals to you most.

Tips & Warnings

Ruby is a variety of the mineral corundum, with a hardness of 9.0 and a specific gravity of 4.0.

Rubies are not graded systematically for clarity, as diamonds are, because there is such a wide range of possible inclusions. Gem-grade rubies can vary from cloudy or milky-appearing, to nearly clear with a few needle-like inclusions.

Ruby is the birthstone for the month of July.

Almost all natural rubies have tiny needle-like inclusions of the mineral rutile (termed 'silk'). Avoid inclusion-free natural rubies, which may have been excessively treated or could be man-made.

Most rubies are cut in southeast Asia, and the quality of the cut may be less than optimum. Make sure that the ruby you choose has an acceptable level of symmetry, polish and overall cut quality. Avoid rubies with unusual-looking cuts or irregularly-shaped facets.

How to Pick a Ruby Birthstone

How to Pick a Ruby Birthstone

The ruby birthstone is kin to the sapphire, since both are classified as crystallized corundum. While this mineral exists in a multitude of colors, only a true red hue is considered a ruby, while all others are designated as sapphires. Unlike some gemstones, the size of rubies is restricted by the dense stone in which it is formed. A large, brilliant, rich red ruby would be very rare and expensive.

Things You'll Need:

Reputable dealer


Documentation of authenticity

Research Rubies Before Buying One


View a variety of rubies before you pick one. Notice the qualities that appeal to you in stone cut, such as how shape affects brilliance.


View loose (unset) rubies to learn the level of clarity for which you are looking. Like emeralds, rubies contain natural inclusions, some of which may benefit the cut and look of a stone.


Examine individual rubies for color against your skin tone (for the wearer). True medium red is considered the most desirable color, but may not look the best on every person.


Learn how color, cut and clarity affect cost, and pick a price range. Generally, the richer and larger rubies are more expensive. However, certain cuts, such as princess or pear, may cost more than round or square stones.

Buy a Beautiful, High-Quality Ruby Birthstone


Pick a reputable gem or jewelry dealer through your local gem and mineral club, or through the website of the American Gem Society (see Resources below).


Ask the dealer about the history of any ruby that interests you. Find out where the stone was mined. Find out if it has been heat treated or enhanced to hide or expose inclusions.


Learn about your dealer's return policy and compare it with others. A genuine, well-crafted gemstone will not need policy riders that might keep you from appraising or returning it.


Get the ruby appraised by an outside source immediately to verify authenticity or any undisclosed history.

Tips & Warnings

Ruby is the birthstone of July and is used to celebrate fifteenth and fortieth wedding anniversaries.

A "lapidary" is a person who cuts gems.

Gemologists no longer divide gems into "precious" and "semiprecious" categories. With widespread mining and modern techniques, the availability or rarity of a stone, coupled with its visual aspect, determines its worth. Good rubies are among the most expensive gems.

When buying rubies, guard against fakes, poor-quality cutting or price gouging by selecting a respected jeweler or loose gem dealer.

Most consumers cannot distinguish authentic from synthetic rubies, and even documentation can be faked. Only a certified jewelry or gem appraiser can tell for sure.

How to Pick a Purse Color

How to Pick a Purse Color

There's a saying that a woman without her handbag--or purse--feels as lost as a wanderer in the desert. While you may fit into that category, you can still show your personality through your clothing and accessories. A great way to do so is to have a purse that is in style and has a color that matches just who you are.


Determine your purse size needs and your budget before starting your search. If you carry just a wallet, a small purse will do fine. A medium to large purse may be what you need if you carry personal
accessories and/or electronic devices such as a cell phone, iPod or even digital camera. Decide your maximum price, too: Costs for purses can very depending on brand, design and size, so it's important to set a limit before you begin searching.


Browse purses online. If you're trying to find a purse for a special occasion, this will allow you to search for a specific color or design, such as a white purse for a wedding, a holiday decoration purse for the winter season or a simple black purse to match everything.


Shop in person. With purse designs and colors in mind from looking online, viewing them in person can help you gauge if the color is truly what you're wanting. When going to buy a purse, wear your favorite jacket to select a purse that coordinates with what you wear often.


Purchase your purse. If you're under the budget you set for yourself in Step 2, and there are different colors or designs of the purse you choose, you can opt to buy the same purse in those colors to match more outfits.

How to Pick a Plus-Size Bra

How to Pick a Plus-Size Bra

For many women, the frustration of bra shopping prevents them from entering a lingerie department until their bras are busting at the seams. Picking a plus-size bra can be particularly frustrating because of the lack of options. In many stores, there simply are not very many attractive options when it comes to plus-size bras. It is, however, still possible to find a pretty plus-size bra to fit any shape.


Measure under your bust line, around the fullest part of your bust and jot down the measurements.


Determine your band size using the underbust measurement: if the number is even add 4 inches; if the number is odd add 5 inches.


Find your cup size using your bust measurement. If the number is the same as your band size, you wear an A. If the number is 1 inch greater than your band size, you wear a B. If the number is 2 inches greater than your band size, you wear a C. Continue until your reach the appropriate cup size.


Go to a specialty shop or visit an Internet site that specializes in plus sizes. Try on the bras in your size and one size larger, since not all companies size exactly the same way.

Tips & Warnings

Do not feel bad if your cup size isn't what you want it to be. You need to find the right fit, not the fit you wish was right.

Lane Bryant has a wide selection of plus-size bras.

Avoid department stores since they usually lack attractive plus-size bras.

How to Pick a Peridot Birthstone

How to Pick a Peridot Birthstone

The August birthstone peridot is derived by cutting crystals of the beautiful, spring-green mineral olivine. This gemstone symbolizing vitality was once the favorite booty of pirates, who fashioned it into protective amulets. The sparkling gem was associated with the sun signs Libra and Cancer, as well as the Hawaiian goddess Pele. Today peridot is readily available, affordable and attractive in a multitude of casual and fine-jewelry settings.

Things You'll Need:

Reputable dealer


Documentation of authenticity

Pick a Set or Loose Peridot Birthstone


View loose peridot birthstone gems at rock and mineral shows or through jewelry dealers. This will give you an idea of the full potential of these stones in color and clarity.


Ask about the gem's origin, and compare the visual properties of peridot from various mines. The mineral is found in Arizona, Australia, Brazil, Burma, the Congo and Norway.


View peridot in a variety of birthstone settings. Because peridot is a relatively soft gem, it is most commonly used in earrings, brooches and necklaces. Bracelets and rings containing peridot are more prone to abrasion.


Consider peridot in combination with other colored gemstones. The brilliant yellow-green complements or contrasts well with other bright colors.


Pick your favorite peridot piece from a respected dealer. Find one through a local rock club or one listed as a member on the American Gem Trade Association website (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Pronounce it "pay-ra-DOT" (Americanized) or "pay-ra-DOE" (original French).

Peridot is officially designated to honor a sixteenth or twentieth wedding anniversary.

An alternate birthstone for August is the far less colorful, yet intriguing sardonyx, a type of quartz.

An "inclusion" is a natural fracture in a gemstone. While it can impede facet reflection, it is also a clue to the authenticity of the piece. In peridot, minimal visible inclusions are allowable in the highest quality stones.

Peridot is not as hard as other common ring gemstones, such as emeralds or amethysts. If you pick a peridot in a ring setting, take extra care to protect it from accidental impact or abrasion.

Beware of synthetic peridot by requesting a gem's history and any documentation before you buy it. Because peridot is often set in combination with other gemstones of greater or lesser value, however, a history for component stones is not always available.

Inclusions, as well as gem documentation, can be synthesized! The advice of a certified appraiser will tell you if your included stone is natural and genuine.

How to Pick a Pattern

How to Pick a Pattern

It's often said that patterns can mimic the personality of whoever is wearing them. For instance, a woman who dons florals might be considered feminine, while a lady dressed in checks or houndstooth is touted as a traditionalist. Nature aside, patterns are an original way to showcase your style while enhancing both your shape and personality. Below is a step-by-step discussion on how to choose the right ones for you.


Before you hit the shops, take a moment to peruse the current trends. Top ten lists are typically released a few months before the season and will often include a variety of patterned trends.


Access your figure and aim for flattering styles. If you're petite, try smaller prints and horizontal stripes. For curves or height, focus on styles with vertical, diagonal or a medium-sized designs.


When picking a pattern, go with your gut. Often the first things we gravitate towards prove to be the best choices. Select colors that compliment each other like navy and cream or brown and yellow.


Finally, try on tailored clothes with structure and shape. Oversized, voluminous cuts will often overwhelm your figure, especially when they're patterned and busy.

How to Pick a Pair of Crocs

How to Pick a Pair of Crocs

Some call Crocs ugly and some call them the best thing since sliced bread. They are made from lightweight, waterproof material that resists bacteria and fungus and has an unusually comfortable fit. Crocs began as a boating shoe but have quickly evolved into a line of shoes that serve many functions. Pick a pair of Crocs to call your own.


Choose from lines tailored to men, women or
. There are flip-flops designed just for men called the Ithica and Crete. For women, there are Mary Janes and the Sassari in pink and white. Kids enjoy Disney-inspired Caymans decorated with Mickey Mouse ears.


Consider the function of the shoes. Whether you need them for boating, walking or playing, there is a pair of Crocs for you. The Hydro is a water shoe for swimming, the All Terrain can be worn in cold and wet


and the Off Road is meant for what its name implies. There is even a pair of Crocs made specially for the working professional.


Pick a color. Take into consideration what clothes you have in your wardrobe to match a pair of Crocs. Colors include blue, pink, red, green, multi-colored and black, just to name a few. There are Crocs with stripes, a pirate look and camouflage.


Match a style of Crocs with your taste. For women who love the ballet, there's the Prima. For men who prefer slides, there's the Sobek. Kids who like flip-flops like the Athens.


Go to a retail store or shop online to pick a pair of Crocs. Find them at Dick's

or Hallmark stores.