How to Get a Rolfing Massage

How to Get a Rolfing Massage

If you feel achy after a long day cramped in the same position or a period of stress, it may be time to get a massage. A Rolfing massage is especially effective for pains created by physical trauma or habitual ways of holding your body.


Find a competent, certified Rolfing Massage Therapist who makes you feel comfortable (see "How to Choose a Rolfing Practitioner" under Related eHows).


Check the price of the therapists in your area. Some areas charge over $100 per hour per session for Rolfing. This isn't that high when you consider the the cost of their training and the specialized service you're receiving.


Expect about 10 sessions. Decide after your first treatment whether you feel that Rolfing was of benefit to you. That will help you plan for additional treatments in your budget.


Practice diligently the exercises the Rolfing Therapist gives you. Part of the program is retraining the body with these exercises. You must be willing to do your part to start to feel better.


Prepare to feel whole again as the Rolfer not only works to liberate muscles that are bound improperly, but also realign your body so it works with the gravitational pull of the Earth, instead of against it.